
Maximus Resources – Grahame

I would like to express our thanks for the job completed. The professionalism of the people on site, the preparation of the rig and support equipment showed years of experience for the team you have assembled.

The team were excellent in their approach and execution of the drill program, something that is rarely seen in the industry today. If you can maintain this pride in workmanship throughout your team, you will have a bright future in an industry that often faces huge challenges.

Once again, job well done, you have elevated yourself to the top of the preferred list of diamond drilling companies. I'm certain we will be seeing more of WDA on our future projects.

Pluton Resources – Ben Carpenter

They have played an integral part on our multi-award winning Irvine Island exploration program. Their ingenuity and adaptability to extreme terrain, remoteness and environmental sensitivity have been valuable assets to Pluton Resources.